Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Marriage and Divorce – It is good to stop choosing divorce.Why?

Marriage and Divorce are two gifts by God, if at all you believe. If you believe ‘Marriage is fixed in the Heaven’ then you are necessarily to believe the other phrase also namely ‘Divorce is fixed in the same Heaven’. Yes, it is Heaven or Hell with ‘marriage’ as well as ‘divorce’ depending on the individual’s view of perceiving them. In other words it’s to say that marriage is heavenly to someone while it’s hellish for others. The same philosophy holds well with divorce also. As such, the individual has to decide his destination after getting married with willingness or by compulsion.

Marriage cannot be treated as a casual and fun making event happening in one’s life but a memorable day finding a place in the family history. It is an agreement or holy bond of sharing life between two humans of opposite sex. Anyhow this holy tie up between a man and woman varies with countries and cultural support. Traditionally it was a sin to think about divorce but now the days are gone to honour the same because of other influencing factors. Still, here is to emphasize the fact that once married is ever married until the last day of life of both as life partners. Marriage and divorce statistics records are not time bounded.

Is Divorce the last resort?
Certainly it’s not so if you contemplate a while. More things are there to be worried later than the better ones after getting divorce with children or none. So, it’s best to stop divorce seeking thoughts.
1. If you have kids their future gets darkened with all inconveniences without strong parental support. Children of broken marriage are to suffer much in life whether the child is with you or separated to go behind your spouse. They will have survival, but to what level?

2. Making distance between you and your spouse could cause you to look at your problems with more anxiety and depression. This space requires time to reevaluate your situation, to recall the causes of effects and arrive at solution independently. In many cases it becomes costly with your survival without a life partner to share the burden mentally as well as socially.

3. Divorce and remarriage will be a havoc and hectic solution with all irreparable damages. For each and everything suspicions will come a long way to destroy your peace of mind having no other go except to bear with all misunderstandings.

4. You must understand that getting divorce through legal separation though divorce court is easy if there is a mutual will-but ending or breaking the marriage bond is the toughest decision that you have to make. There is no perfect marriage as one may envisage as the people all around are not perfect creatures. If you remember the proverb ‘Every tide has its ebb’ then you will realize before opting for divorce for y cause.

5. Another most regretting and resentful thing after divorce is the new complex formed in you amidst happy couples around you who are to look at you as a pitiable creature suffering an irrecoverable loss.

Considering the above significant points, you may better decide divorce not as the last resort to renew your life anticipating blossoming buds. If you think well you will understand that marriage and divorce should not be chained consecutively and so you decide safely that you stop choosing divorce and make up to choose for adjusting.

1 comment:

  1. It's always a shame when a marriage ends in a divorce, but sometimes it's in the best interest of everyone. Best of luck to anyone going through this.

